Drawing is the foundation of all other visual art skills. A basic understanding of drawing frees you to communicate to others in a whole other way. You could draw on the whiteboard at work, sketch an app design, make more robust study notes or win at Pictionary. Knowing how to draw helps you interact with kids. At parties, having a small sketchbook in your pocket/purse full of drawings instantly gives you something to talk about with others. Drawing helps your non verbal side of your brain have it's "Say". Most people don't even try... so every drawing you make puts you ahead. I highly recommend Proko's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EPNYWeEf1U and the book "How To Draw What You See" By Rudy De Reyna.
LPT: Get Over Your Embarrassment And Learn The Basics Of Drawing.
Reviewed by Unknown