LPT: If someone does something for you, it probably means that it is important to them, even if it isn't to you. Add it to the list of things you can do for the, that they would appreciate.

An example of what I'm talking about here is that my wife used to make me a cup of coffee and bring it to me every morning. Often I would barely even acknowledge her putting down the coffee much less thank her for it. At first, this bothered her, how I did not appreciate this nice, loving gesture and getting fresh coffee served to me in the morning... The answer is that she really does mind making her own coffee and does notice much whether I do it or not. Now I have to make it and it's one more thing she loves about me in the morning.

LPT: If someone does something for you, it probably means that it is important to them, even if it isn't to you. Add it to the list of things you can do for the, that they would appreciate. LPT: If someone does something for you, it probably means that it is important to them, even if it isn't to you. Add it to the list of things you can do for the, that they would appreciate. Reviewed by Unknown on 13:20 Rating: 5
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