YSK how to use your iPhone to speak what you type with the keyboard (text > audio speech) to help you communicate if you cannot speak, like after a dental procedure for example. As a bonus, you can use Stephen Hawking's computer voice if desired.

Get this app and it will speak what you type. I am not affiliated with this app but it has worked wonders to communicate with people after my dental procedure which left me unable to speak for 2 days.

By default it uses Siri voice but you can change the voice into a whole bunch of different ones.

As an added bonus, you can use it to speak in STEPHEN HAWKING's computer voice. Go down the list and select "English - Fred" for that. Neat! It's a little harder to understand than the other voices though.

It also lets you save shortcuts or pre-typed phrases for easy selection from a list for things u may have to repeat, as well as a recent history list where it'll re speak something you previously typed at just a tap.

Other languages are also available like German Spanish Dutch Chinese etc, all work to speak aloud what you type.

Here's an iTunes link. Sorry, I don't have an android so I don't know what to recommend for those users.. this is for iPhone. (Any model that supports Siri)

I tried a few apps and this one is one of the only ones that did not have obnoxious ads and was still free.

Speak - Text To Speech by Loic Verrall http://ift.tt/2i3y2pL

YSK how to use your iPhone to speak what you type with the keyboard (text > audio speech) to help you communicate if you cannot speak, like after a dental procedure for example. As a bonus, you can use Stephen Hawking's computer voice if desired. YSK how to use your iPhone to speak what you type with the keyboard (text > audio speech) to help you communicate if you cannot speak, like after a dental procedure for example. As a bonus, you can use Stephen Hawking's computer voice if desired. Reviewed by Unknown on 00:11 Rating: 5
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