LPT: Always request a copy of your background check when applying for a job, school, etc. You may be accused if being a sex offender if you have a common name

So I recently was applying a 2nd job and because my name is so common, there's a charge by another person with the same name charge with a sex offender crime. This other "me" has a middle name starting with the same letter as mine but is clearly a different name. The most frustrating thing is that my report starts with my actual name and social, then the background check in a previous state of residence has the wrong name, then goes back to my actual identity in my current state of residence. You may think you have the cleanest record possible but I guess you never know what your commonly name brethren may be up to...

LPT: Always request a copy of your background check when applying for a job, school, etc. You may be accused if being a sex offender if you have a common name LPT: Always request a copy of your background check when applying for a job, school, etc. You may be accused if being a sex offender if you have a common name Reviewed by Unknown on 17:50 Rating: 5
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