LPT If you feel lethargic all the time at your apartment, make sure you have proper ventilation so fresh oxygen can cycle through.

I live in a run down, old apartment with no ventilation. When I first moved in here I thought it was hard to breathe because my apartment had some sort of mold. It turns out, it was the ventilation. Like a turtle in a box with no holes, I was depriving myself of oxygen which caused me to feel lethargic nearly 24/7. I open the windows now and feel much better and more alert because the proper air circulation is coming through. It took me a while to come to this conclusion so I thought I'd share my results here.

LPT If you feel lethargic all the time at your apartment, make sure you have proper ventilation so fresh oxygen can cycle through. LPT If you feel lethargic all the time at your apartment, make sure you have proper ventilation so fresh oxygen can cycle through. Reviewed by Unknown on 14:55 Rating: 5
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