LPT If you need to ask multiple questions in an email, put them each as numbered points. People will often copy the number format in reply and be less likely miss a question accidentally or purposely.

I've been using this for years and it works really well. For a long time before I'd get frustrated when people only answered the last question I had, even though there may have been a few in paragraphs before.

I started using this when I did some technical support work and it helped reduce the number of email round trips, and I now use it in my professional life. Other people at my work now do this and said it helps immensely.

So for an example email, you'd write an intro or provide relevant info/context and then list the questions like:

  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What food do you like?
  3. Will you marry me?

And people will feel obliged to reply to each point.

LPT If you need to ask multiple questions in an email, put them each as numbered points. People will often copy the number format in reply and be less likely miss a question accidentally or purposely. LPT If you need to ask multiple questions in an email, put them each as numbered points. People will often copy the number format in reply and be less likely miss a question accidentally or purposely. Reviewed by Unknown on 08:29 Rating: 5
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