YSK that even one year after their review policy change, Amazon is still plagued by fake reviews

I am a frequent and faithful Amazon shopper, and like most, rely heavily on product reviews to help guide my purchasing decisions.

Recently I was shopping for screen protectors for a new phone. The item I decided on was highly rated with nearly 500 positive reviews, and a few negatives. Some of the positive reviews were obvious fakes - horrible grammar, nearly identical in content, etc. The overwhelming majority seemed legit, and the negatives were what I assumed were people who just couldn't install the thing properly - a common issue with most screen protectors. What I failed to notice is that almost none of the positive reviews were verified purchases.

It ended up that the protector I ordered was shit. When I went to return it, I noticed that almost all of the reviews were gone, and only a few negatives remained - which were all verified purchases. I had been completely bamboozled.

I decided to do what I should have done in the first place - use a review analyzing tool to check it. Since I don't want to be accused of being a shill (because I'm not one), I won't name which one I used, but the result was an F.

Out of curiosity, I ran the analysis on every other listing on the first page of results for my search. Only one screen protector out of 26 listings got a "pass" rating on the reviews.

TL;DR: Buyer beware: fake Amazon reviews are still rampant, and appear in very high quantities.

YSK that even one year after their review policy change, Amazon is still plagued by fake reviews YSK that even one year after their review policy change, Amazon is still plagued by fake reviews Reviewed by Unknown on 12:56 Rating: 5
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