YSK that grinding your teeth at night may be a symptom of sleep apnea, and night guards may worsen the problem.

We aren't 100% certain of the connection between sleep apnea and teeth grinding (aka bruxism), but a leading theory is that the grinding motion pulls your jaw forward which helps open up your airway. Night guards keep the lower jaw in place, thus preventing the reopening of the airways.

In other words, a night guard can worsen sleep apnea and lead to even more grinding.

Everyone could benefit from a sleep study, but it's particularly recommended for those who both snore and grind their teeth at night.

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YSK that grinding your teeth at night may be a symptom of sleep apnea, and night guards may worsen the problem. YSK that grinding your teeth at night may be a symptom of sleep apnea, and night guards may worsen the problem. Reviewed by Unknown on 14:28 Rating: 5
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