YSK that there are groups on steam that give you a notification each hour to get up and move, so you can lower the risk of CTS, RSI and DVT.

I read a post on Reddit earlier today about a healthy man who went on two long-haul flights within 24 hours of each other. Once on terra firma, he went on a bike ride and, due to a blood clot (DVT), had a heart attack and died "before the bike stopped moving".

Us gamers (and office workers - anyone who sits for long periods of time during their day to day "activities") need to get up and move often to restore blood flow and rest other tendons and muscles so that we can avoid blood clots, carpal tunnel and repetitive strain injuries.

I have been a part of a group on steam for a while now that provides information on carpal tunnel and gives hourly alerts to members to get up and move around. The post I read earlier gave me a literal kick up the backside to take it seriously.

I use Carpal Tunnel Prevention to do this, and more people should too. Our lives are at increased risk due to our lifestyle, but who's gonna give that up eh?

Just to note lying down does not give you as much increased risk of DVT as your blood is not pooling in your legs and fighting gravity to reach your heart again, though you are still at risk of CTS and RSI depending on what you're doing in that position.

Happy gaming/working/sitting!

YSK that there are groups on steam that give you a notification each hour to get up and move, so you can lower the risk of CTS, RSI and DVT. YSK that there are groups on steam that give you a notification each hour to get up and move, so you can lower the risk of CTS, RSI and DVT. Reviewed by Unknown on 14:33 Rating: 5
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