LPT: Predict your baby's clothing size for next season by comparing the growth chart to the brand's size chart.

Baby clothing sizes are loosely based on the average child's growth patterns, but they vary wildly from brand to brand and if your kid isn't average-sized, the month designations are useless.

If you like to buy clothes ahead of time, or you have a young friend/relative that you buy for, you can do this to increase the likelihood that the clothes will actually fit when they are needed.

Get the growth chart here: http://ift.tt/2As314a http://ift.tt/2AlxToO

Using a recent measurement, identify your child's height and weight percentile. (Your doctor may have told you these values at a recent appointment.) Follow the curves to the date in question, and note the predicted weight and height.

Now get the size chart from your favorite clothing brands and look up what size your baby will be!

I had an epic spreadsheet to automate this when my baby was young, and I later wrote it up into a (free, nonprofit) web app: sizecast.com

LPT: Predict your baby's clothing size for next season by comparing the growth chart to the brand's size chart. LPT: Predict your baby's clothing size for next season by comparing the growth chart to the brand's size chart. Reviewed by Unknown on 13:50 Rating: 5
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