LPT Request: Guys, I'm moving to the US. What are some basic tips to not be fooled by everything and everyone?

I'm going to Florida, if this helps. some areas of interest:

  • internet/mobile: providers, VPN?, carrier, etc.
  • money: banks, taxes, retirement , 401k, investments, credit cards, etc.
  • supermarket: brands, good and bad food, etc
  • insurance: health, house, etc.
  • house: renting, furniture, security, etc.
  • other subreddits that can help me
LPT Request: Guys, I'm moving to the US. What are some basic tips to not be fooled by everything and everyone? LPT Request: Guys, I'm moving to the US. What are some basic tips to not be fooled by everything and everyone? Reviewed by Unknown on 11:10 Rating: 5
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