LPT: When dealing with automated customer service robots, you can always answer any question using your keypad instead of speaking out loud (more details inside)

Since these are robots, the question is always either a number input, a yes/no, or a (numbered) menu list.

  • Number input

    "What is your member ID?"

    Just dial it instead of speaking it.

  • Yes/No

    "Are you calling about a claim?"

    1 = "Yes"

    2 = "No"

  • Menu List:

    "Say CLAIMS to speak to claims department, say PARTS to speak to parts department, or say MORE OPTIONS"

    The list is numbered in the order the options are spoken, except for the "next page" option, which is always last, and the (hidden) "operator option", which is usually 0.

    1 = "Claims Department"

    2 = "Parts Department"

    3 or 8 = "More Options"

    0 = Give me a human

There may be some variation with individual systems, but the keypad input is always an option in some way, so it's worth fiddling around to figure it out if you end up calling the service line a lot. Will save a lot of time and aggravation. Cheers.

LPT: When dealing with automated customer service robots, you can always answer any question using your keypad instead of speaking out loud (more details inside) LPT: When dealing with automated customer service robots, you can always answer any question using your keypad instead of speaking out loud (more details inside) Reviewed by Unknown on 07:49 Rating: 5
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