LPT: When writing a 'thank you' note for a gift you've received, re-word any meaningful pieces from the card when responding because it's not email.

If you're someone who receives cards with heart-felt messages, keep in mind that the person who gave it to you may not remember exactly what they've written by the time you've opened it and gotten back to them with a 'thank you' note. Things like, "I appreciate the kind things you said and I'm glad I could help," can be lost in the holiday madness. Aim for something like, "I appreciate knowing my silly jokes brighten your day and I'm glad that getting those things printed for you was helpful!

Though people probably really mean what they wrote in the cards at the time, there's no outbox for physical cards! Happy holidays, all!

LPT: When writing a 'thank you' note for a gift you've received, re-word any meaningful pieces from the card when responding because it's not email. LPT: When writing a 'thank you' note for a gift you've received, re-word any meaningful pieces from the card when responding because it's not email. Reviewed by Unknown on 14:35 Rating: 5
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