LPT: Need a break from the world or just a shower to relax? Shower in the dark with music on. You'll feel very peaceful during and afterwards. It feels like you're showering in a cave.

But please me careful, if you're clumsy or your shower is just slippy and dangerous, accept your fate and keep on showering with the lights on. It's to relax, if you're stressing about falling and where you kept your stuff, it's not for you.

If you need to use a lot of stuff (shampoo, conditioner, soap) during your shower, make sure you do that before you turn off the lights or put glow in the dark stickers on them. Also, put a glow in the dark sticker on your light switch. You could also light candles for a peaceful atmosphere, but again, be careful.

I usually do my complete shower in the dark and it has never gone wrong! I feel completely transported to another, peaceful place and it really brightens (heh) the rest of my day/evening. It also really enhances the quality of the music because you're more focused on it.

LPT: Need a break from the world or just a shower to relax? Shower in the dark with music on. You'll feel very peaceful during and afterwards. It feels like you're showering in a cave. LPT: Need a break from the world or just a shower to relax? Shower in the dark with music on. You'll feel very peaceful during and afterwards. It feels like you're showering in a cave. Reviewed by Unknown on 10:11 Rating: 5
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