LPT: When setting up a power strip for your desk or TV, attach a label to the plug for each thing. Someday you'll need to unplug one of those things and you won't have to trace a mess of cable to figure it out.

Also: wired routers if you're hooking up a lot of Ethernet.

LPT: When setting up a power strip for your desk or TV, attach a label to the plug for each thing. Someday you'll need to unplug one of those things and you won't have to trace a mess of cable to figure it out. LPT: When setting up a power strip for your desk or TV, attach a label to the plug for each thing. Someday you'll need to unplug one of those things and you won't have to trace a mess of cable to figure it out. Reviewed by Unknown on 19:52 Rating: 5
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