YSK: Comcast is "increasing" internet speed for accounts automatically nationwide. Be on the lookout for a sneaky price increase in this or next months bill.
I got a letter today that Comcast would be increasing my internet speed from 75mbs to 100mbs.
I've had 100mbs since I've had comcast so while this increase sounds good
(33 percent MORE internet! /s)
It really seems like they are just justifying a price increase on my bill.
I read something about increasing the bill 15 bucks this month, with a sneaky 15 dollar adjustment, then removing the adjustment/discount/w.e. next month. Now my bill is 15 dollars more, with no added service, cause like I said, I've been had 100mbs.
Just to be clear, i'm not saying they've increased my bill (yet), but just be on the lookout cause ATT just got slammed for stuff like this.
TL:DR Comcast rolls out speed "increase" nationwide, watch your bill for a sneaky price increase as well