YSK: "Entry Level" does not mean "open to anyone". It means it's a low level position, through which you enter the company. The first floor of a building is where you enter, to be sure, but that doesn't mean the door has no locks and requires no keys.

The same way the "First Floor" does not mean "Door's open, come on in" (And why would it? Those two concepts don't follow each other), "Entry Level" does not mean "anybody off the street, here's a job".

YSK: "Entry Level" does not mean "open to anyone". It means it's a low level position, through which you enter the company. The first floor of a building is where you enter, to be sure, but that doesn't mean the door has no locks and requires no keys. YSK: "Entry Level" does not mean "open to anyone". It means it's a low level position, through which you enter the company. The first floor of a building is where you enter, to be sure, but that doesn't mean the door has no locks and requires no keys. Reviewed by Unknown on 11:24 Rating: 5
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