LPT: If you are going to rent or buy a place to live, visit it at after 11pm to make sure there are not any smells from industrial parks venting gas at night that they don't do during the day.

I work a swing shift and pass several hundred apartment units that during the day smells fine but, on my way home smells of poo. I feel bad for those people.

Edit: word

LPT: If you are going to rent or buy a place to live, visit it at after 11pm to make sure there are not any smells from industrial parks venting gas at night that they don't do during the day. LPT: If you are going to rent or buy a place to live, visit it at after 11pm to make sure there are not any smells from industrial parks venting gas at night that they don't do during the day. Reviewed by Unknown on 18:25 Rating: 5
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