LPT: Your parents may have your best interest at heart, but that doesn't mean they are never wrong. Always do your own research and make informed decisions.

I love my supportive family and am glad to have them in my life. I never got the "when you're young you think your parents are superheroes!" line of thinking, but I did respect their opinions on many matters and often didn't question them. Some things they told me I later disagreed with were

  • Never get a credit card
  • Don't go to a 4 yr college out of high school
  • If a prospective employer hasn't responded to your email inquiring about a job, keep forwarding them the email until they do
  • 1-ply toilet paper is just as good as 2-ply

Again, make informed decisions. I was always frugal with money, and not getting a credit card (and just paying it off every month as I do now) resulted in me having no credit and losing out on rewards.

My mother had heard that transfer students end up graduating faster than those who go straight to a 4 year and based her advice on that. What this didn't take into account is the amount of students that drop out or never graduate at all. I was always a great student and never fell behind, but was unsure of my career choice and found myself at a JC surrounded by other kids that were confused and unmotivated while they floated through classes. I did the same thing and randomly took classes until I got myself together and transferred/graduated, but I still feel I would have been much better off if I had a campus culture and was surrounded by peers with goals and motivation. Everyone's situation is different here, YMMV

I love my dad but he isn't the most tech-savvy and can be brash at times. Luckily I didn't take his email advice.

1-Ply! Are you kidding me!?

LPT: Your parents may have your best interest at heart, but that doesn't mean they are never wrong. Always do your own research and make informed decisions. LPT: Your parents may have your best interest at heart, but that doesn't mean they are never wrong. Always do your own research and make informed decisions. Reviewed by Unknown on 19:25 Rating: 5
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