LPT: if you live alone, put together a "sick kit" for those times you get sick and don't want to/can't go to the store

I thought about this today because I woke up early this morning with a touch of either a stomach bug or mild food poisoning. I live alone, my family lives out-of-state, and being that I'm in my 30s, all of my friends have jobs during the week and I'm not going to call and bother any of them at 6am to go get stuff for me at the grocery store. So I ended up mustering as much strength as I could and going to Kroger to get stuff like ginger ale, pedialyte, chicken soup, saltines, and popsicles. It was not one of my best moments.

I couldn't help think how it would have been so much more convenient if I had some sort of pre-prepared "sick kit" containing these types of items. I was always taught to keep medicines around in my first aid kit like Tylenol, pepto bismol, Vicks vapo rub, cough drops etc. - general medicines you need for when you're sick but not "go to the doctor" sick. However, this kind of stuff is really only half of what I needed today. I needed liquids to drink that would be easy on my stomach (and replenish what I was losing through... things that happen in the bathroom when you're sick) and bland foods to keep up my strength without making me sicker. I didn't really have anything on hand, because these aren't items I consume regularly. I just don't get sick very often.

It would have been nice to be able to just get out my kit and have everything I went to the store for today, since these are pretty common types of items that I like to have whenever I have any sort of general cold/flu/bug. You can make your own list of preferred items, but here's what I'm going to stock for future use:

Saltine crackers Pedialyte/Gatorade Plain rice cereal (chex, Rice Krispies, etc.) Flavor-ice style popsicles that can be stored at room temp and popped into the freezer when needed Ginger ale Chicken noodle soup Applesauce

Even if you don't live alone, a kit like this could come in handy. I know that there are delivery services that exist now too, but you will pay a premium for the products and you still have to wait for delivery. Pre-stocking a kit allows you to be picky about what you will pay, and not everyone lives where delivery is available anyway.

One last note, obviously most of this stuff is perishable, so keep your kit somewhere that you won't forget about it until it's too late.

LPT: if you live alone, put together a "sick kit" for those times you get sick and don't want to/can't go to the store LPT: if you live alone, put together a "sick kit" for those times you get sick and don't want to/can't go to the store Reviewed by Unknown on 13:31 Rating: 5
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