LPT: On a birthday cake, light the candles that are farthest away from you first and then work your way towards you to minimize contact with lit candles.

Far too often I see people just lighting the first candle they can get their hands on and then awkwardly having to turn the cake around or walk around the cake to light the rest to avoid getting burned, especially when they're using a match or a cigarette lighter. It's similar to a painting-yourself-to-a-corner situation but in reverse.

LPT: On a birthday cake, light the candles that are farthest away from you first and then work your way towards you to minimize contact with lit candles. LPT: On a birthday cake, light the candles that are farthest away from you first and then work your way towards you to minimize contact with lit candles. Reviewed by Unknown on 16:35 Rating: 5
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