YSK When anxiety causing thoughts arise, start mentally describing objects or actions you see in your vicinity, as if you were narrating a story. This will distract your brain from spiraling down that dreaded black hole.

LPT mods removed my advice, because I broke the rules and posted advice about mental heatlh. Reposting here, because I really want to share this useful tip with others.

The idea is to make the voice in your head act as a narrator to things that are happening around you. This turns your focus outwards rather than inwards. Lots of anxiety arises from too much focus on oneself.

YSK When anxiety causing thoughts arise, start mentally describing objects or actions you see in your vicinity, as if you were narrating a story. This will distract your brain from spiraling down that dreaded black hole. YSK When anxiety causing thoughts arise, start mentally describing objects or actions you see in your vicinity, as if you were narrating a story. This will distract your brain from spiraling down that dreaded black hole. Reviewed by Unknown on 17:56 Rating: 5
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