LPT: Always observe how people close to you behave regarding other people. That is exactly how they will behave with you when in a similar situation. Resist with all your might the illusion that you are special and with you it will be different.

This is the most important tip I have to give, and took me about three decades to realize how reliable this pattern is.

We have this powerful illusion that we are special, and that a person will behave in a special way with us, differently from how he behaves with other.

That is an illusion, and you must not give in to it.

If someone cheated on their partner to be with you, he/she will cheat on you to be with the next one.

If he/she talks dirt about other people to you, they will talk dirt about you to others.

If he/she always screams and yells at their close relatives, he/she will scream and yell at you once you are close relative to them.

Similarly, if a person refuses to talk about someone else to you, he/she will refuse to talk about you to someone else.

If he/she is loyal to others, he/she will be loyal to you.

That’s it... thank me in 20 years.

LPT: Always observe how people close to you behave regarding other people. That is exactly how they will behave with you when in a similar situation. Resist with all your might the illusion that you are special and with you it will be different. LPT: Always observe how people close to you behave regarding other people. That is exactly how they will behave with you when in a similar situation. Resist with all your might the illusion that you are special and with you it will be different. Reviewed by Unknown on 11:20 Rating: 5
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