LPT: Listen to upbeat music and do as many push-ups/squats/pull-ups you can to pull yourself out of brain fog

You've sit down to get some work done but your focus constantly fades in and out. We've all been there. There's only so much coffee you can consume in a day. Something that's been working for me is to listen to some upbeat music, something that gets me really pumped up and then belt out a few push-ups/squats/pull-ups. It's amazing! Been doing this for the past 2 days and it's pretty effective!

LPT: Listen to upbeat music and do as many push-ups/squats/pull-ups you can to pull yourself out of brain fog LPT: Listen to upbeat music and do as many push-ups/squats/pull-ups you can to pull yourself out of brain fog Reviewed by Unknown on 05:38 Rating: 5
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